Tue 27 Oct 2015 11:00 - 11:30 at Ellwood 1 - Session 2 Chair(s): Dario Colazzo

We study the data transformation capabilities associated with schemas that are presented by directed multi-graphs and path equations. Unlike most approaches which treat graph-based schemas as abbreviations for relational schemas, we treat graph-based schemas as categories. A schema S is a finitely-presented category, and the collection of all S-instances forms a category, S–Inst. A functor F between schemas S and T, which can be generated from a visual mapping between graphs, induces three adjoint data migration functors, ΣF : S–Inst → T–Inst, ΠF : S–Inst → T–Inst, and ∆F : T–Inst → S–Inst. We present an algebraic query language FQL based on these functors, prove that FQL is closed under composition, prove that FQL can be implemented with the select-project-product-union relational algebra (SPCU) extended with a key-generation operation, and prove that SPCU can be implemented with FQL.

Tue 27 Oct

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10:30 - 12:00
Session 2DBPL at Ellwood 1
Chair(s): Dario Colazzo
A common data manipulation language for nested data in heterogeneous environments.
João Costa Seco NOVA LINCS -- Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Hugo Lourenço OutSystems SA, Paulo Ferreira OutSystems SA
Relational Foundations for Functorial Data Migration
Abstract Rewriting Approach to Solve Datalog Programs
Fernando Tarin Morales The University of Tokyo / National Institute of Informatics, Fuyuki Ishikawa National Institute of Informatics, Shinichi Honiden The University of Tokyo / National Institute of Informatics