Note: this track has been cancelled for 2015.

Wavefront is looking for presentations and technology talks of interest to the software community, particularly to software professionals working in companies large and small. Wavefront is a forum for presenting experience reports and tutorials about innovative tools, technologies, and software practices.

Call for Submissions

Wavefront talks are practical: experience reports and mini-talks.

  • Experience Reports are a blend of science and engineering: innovative ideas used in a practical setting. Each experience report is filled useful ideas, insights, and lessons. The experiences are built on some great ideas from the research world, and many of the ideas may have been the subject of research papers in the OOPSLA and Onward tracks in previous years.
  • Mini-Talks are an introduction to a small but widely applicable design idea, implementation pattern, software testing strategy, debugging approach, or deployment aid. A Wavefront mini-talk should try to make a complex idea simpler: simple enough that you don’t need an advanced degree to get started with a new technology. For all of these technologies, we can honestly say “the future is now.”

What should a Wavefront presentation look like? Wavefront is not looking for research papers: we are looking for presentations with positive value for software professionals in industry who are working at the leading edge of their field.

  • Have you learned something that you are excited about and want to share it with the community?
  • Is there one interesting and innovative technology or tool that has changed your life? How has it made you more (or less) successful? What is your experience? How does it help you do things differently today compared with two or three years ago?
  • Can you demonstrate how you used an existing programming language or development tool in an interesting or unusual way? What are the first steps that someone needs to learn to get started?
  • What experiences might be useful to other software professionals working in other industries?
  • Come join other Wavefront presenters in sharing what you know with the larger SPLASH community!

Selection Process

Wavefront submissions are peer-reviewed. The Wavefront program committee will select talks for the program based on a review of presentation summaries.

The review will determine if the topic of the presentation is acceptable for the Wavefront program. Members of the Wavefront program committee will be assigned as shepherds to the submissions that pass the review, and presenters can use feedback from the review to focus the presentation materials for the Wavefront audience.

By the end of June, the draft presentation (slides, audio, or video) will need to be submitted to the Wavefront program committee, for further feedback to make sure that the presentation delivers a clear and practical message.

Upon notification presenters can submit a 2-page revised presentation summary of their presentation using the ACM SIGPLAN Conference Template in early August that will be included in the SPLASH Companion and in the ACM Digital Library.


Presenters may choose to submit their presentation summary in one of four forms: a one-page extended abstract, the visuals for a draft presentation, or a 10-minute audio or video presentation of a subset of the proposed presentation. All submissions are evaluated for conditional acceptance subject to successful participation in a shepherding process that produces a final presentation. Program committee members will advise authors of shepherded presentations as they prepare their final materials and must approve the final version.

The target length for the final presentation at SPLASH is 20 minutes, with an extra 10 minute question and answer period.

Submission web site: TBD

More Information

For additional information, clarification, or answers to questions please contact the Wavefront Co-Chairs (Dennis Mancl and Joe Kiniry) at