The SPLASH Doctoral Symposium provides students with useful guidance for completing their dissertation research and beginning their research careers. The Symposium will provide an interactive forum for doctoral students who have progressed far enough in their research to have a structured proposal, but will not be defending their dissertation in the next 12 months.

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Tue 27 Oct

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08:30 - 10:00
Doctoral Symposium

DS Invited Keynote Talk I: How to debug the Internet of Things, or, PhD or startup?
Doctoral Symposium
Patrick Eugster Purdue University
10:30 - 12:00
Lightning Talks
Doctoral Symposium

Trace Register Allocation
Doctoral Symposium
A: Josef Eisl Johannes Kepler University Linz
DOI Pre-print
Trace Obliviousness Computation
Doctoral Symposium
A: Chang Liu University of Maryland
13:30 - 15:10
DS Invited Keynote Talk II: Lessons and Stories from My Career
Doctoral Symposium
Gary T. Leavens University of Central Florida
Privacy and Security Constraints for Code Contributions
Doctoral Symposium
A: Rodrigo Andrade Federal University of Pernambuco
15:30 - 17:20
DS Invited Keynote Talk III: Papers vs. Artifacts
Doctoral Symposium
Philipp Haller KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Panini: A Concurrent Programming Model With Modular Reasoning
Doctoral Symposium
The Spreadsheet Paradigm: A Basis for Powerful and Accessible Programming
Doctoral Symposium
A: Gary Miller University of Technology Sydney

Call for Submissions

Symposium Logistics

At the symposium, presentations will consist of the following:

  • A two-minute overview stating the most critical issues of the research (the “elevator talk”).
  • A separate (strictly-timed) 40-minute description of the proposer’s research. This will be broken down into at most 25 minutes of presentation and 15 minutes of questions.

Structure of Research Description

The research description in your submission and in your symposium presentation must be structured as follows:

Motivation: Why do we care about the problem and the results? If the problem isn’t obviously interesting it might be better to put motivation first, but if your work is incremental progress on a problem that is widely recognized as important, then it is probably better to put the “Problem” section first to indicate which piece of the larger problem you are breaking off to work on. This section should include the importance of your work, the difficulty of the area, and the impact it might have if successful.

Problem: What exact problem, issue, or question does this research address? What limitations or failings of current understanding, knowledge, methods, or technologies does this research resolve? You should position your work with respect to related ideas in this section.

Approach: How did you go about solving or making progress on the problem? What new understanding, knowledge, methods, or technologies will this research generate?

Evaluation Methodology: In writing the evaluation methodology section of your submission, we encourage you to emphasize two main aspects of your experiment.

  1. Hypothesis: What would be the main research result? What would be the secondary research results? Phrase these as primary and secondary hypothesis.
  2. Experimental Setup: How are you going to set up your experiments to test these hypothesis? What are the variables in these experiments? How do you plan to control these variables for an unbiased experimental result?

Submission Format and Process

To apply for the doctoral symposium, please send a description of your dissertation research, following the structure of research description described above, to by June 30, 2015. Submissions should use the ACM SIGPLAN Conference Format, 10 point font. Please use the following e-mail subject: [SPLASH’15 Doctoral Symposium Submission].

Your submission should not exceed 3 pages, including references and appendices (if applicable). You are not required to use up all 3 pages, but we leave it as an option for students who want to use the Doctoral Symposium paper to publicly document the current progress and contributions of their research. We expect the majority of submissions to be in 2-3 pages. Regardless of the length of your submission, your presentation should be sufficiently detailed to describe your dissertation research.

Your advisor must also send a brief statement of your dissertation progress to date and a statement of recommendation to by June 30, 2015. Please have your advisor use the following e-mail subject: [SPLASH’15 Doctoral Symposium Recommendation for “first-name” “last-name”].

The students whose proposals are selected for presentation are expected to participate in the event for the entire day. Each symposium presenter will have a short paper published in the SPLASH Companion.

Proposers are highly encouraged to submit a poster to the SPLASH Poster session, and participate in the ACM Student Research Competition. These vehicles provide the student with an opportunity for additional feedback and suggestions on their dissertation work, contacts for further interaction, and experience in communicating with other professionals.

More Information

For additional information, clarification, or answers to questions please contact the Doctoral Symposium Chair at