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Mary Beth Rosson is Professor and Associate Dean in the College of Information Sciences and Technology at the Pennsylvania State University. Prior to joining Penn State in 2003, she was Professor of Computer Science at Virginia Tech for 10 years, and Research Staff Member at IBM T. J. Watson Research Center for 11 years. Rosson is internationally known for her research and education in human-computer interaction, including participatory and scenario-based design and evaluation methods, computer-supported collaborative learning, and end-user development. To support these research efforts she has directed over $6M in research grants, primarily from The National Science Foundation. She is author of Usability Engineering: Scenario-Based Development of Human-Computer Interaction (Morgan Kaufmann, 2002) along with hundreds of peer-reviewed journal articles, conference proceedings papers, workshops and professional tutorials. In recognition of her international repu-tation, Rosson has been recruited for a wide rage of professional leadership roles, including general conference chair for OOPSLA 2000, CHI 2007, and VL/HCC 2010; she has also been elected to the ACM SIGCHI Academy and is an ACM Distinguished Scientist
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