SPLASH 2015 (series) / Vlad Ureche

Registered user since Wed 13 Aug 2014
Name:Vlad Ureche
I am a PhD student at École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, in the Programming Methods Laboratory (LAMP). My supervisor is Prof. Martin Odersky, best known for designing the Scala programming language.
I am interested in performance-oriented compilation of high-level language constructs. Convenience and safety make generics great for productivity, but due to the erasure transformation, they perform sub-optimally when used with primitive numeric types. This is where I can help. My main project, dubbed miniboxing, is aimed at compiling generic classes down to very efficient bytecode. It is available at scala-miniboxing.org and can speed up generic code by up to 22x.
Affiliation:EPFL, Switzerland
Personal website: http://vladureche.ro
Research interests:Programming Languages, Compilation, Program Optimization, Specialization
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