Developers use configuration options to tailor systems to different platforms. This configurability gives rise to an exponential configuration space and traditional tools (e.g., gcc) check only one configuration at a time. As a result, developers introduce configuration-related issues (i.e., bad smells and faults) that appear only when we select certain configuration options. By interviewing 40 developers and performing a survey with 202 developers, we find that configuration-related issues are harder to detect and more critical than issues that appear in all configurations. Furthermore, we propose a strategy to detect configuration-related issues and an approach to improve code quality (remove bad smells in preprocessor directives using a catalogue of refactorings). We found 131 faults and 500 bad smells in 40 real configurable systems, including Apache and libssh, ranging from 2.6 KLOC to 1.5 MLOC.
Program Display Configuration
Wed 28 Oct
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