Welcome to SPLASH 2015!
The ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH) is the premier conference at the intersection of programming, languages, and software engineering. Embracing all aspects of software construction and delivery, this year SPLASH includes OOPSLA, Onward!, DLS, GPCE, SLE, PLoP, and DBPL. SPLASH 2015 will take place October 25-30, 2015 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States.
The conference is now over see you in Amsterdam, Netherlands for SPLASH 2016!
Video Presentations
A representative sample of presentations from SPLASH.
OOPSLA Distinguished Papers Award
- Valor: Efficient, Software-Only Region Conflict Exceptions. Swarnendu Biswas, Minjia Zhang, Michael Bond, and Brandon Lucia
- Accurate Profiling in the Presence of Dynamic Compilation Yudi Zheng, Lubomir Bulej, and Walter Binder
OOPSLA Distinguished Artifact Award
- Automating Ad-hoc Data Representation Transformations. Vlad Ureche, Aggelos Biboudis, Yannis Smaragdakis, Martin Odersky
- Valor: Efficient, Software-Only Region Conflict Exceptions. Swarnendu Biswas, Minjia Zhang, Michael D. Bond, Brandon Lucia
OOPSLA Most Influential Paper Award
- X10: an object-oriented approach to non-uniform cluster computing (DOI). Philippe Charles, Christopher Donawa, Kemal Ebcioglu, Christian Grothoff, Allan Kielstra, Christoph von Praun, Vijay Saraswat, Vivek Sarkar. OOPSLA 2005.
Onward! Most Notable Paper Award
- Subtext: Uncovering the Simplicity of Programming (DOI). Jonathan Edwards. Onward! 2005.
John Vlissides Award - Doctoral Symposium
- Trace Oblivious Program Execution: A Programming Language Approach to Security. Chang Liu, University of Maryland
SPLASH Distinguished Demo Award
- GTInspector: A Moldable Domain-Aware Object Inspector. Andrei Chiş, Tudor Gîrba, Oscar Nierstrasz, Aliaksei Syrel
Student Research Competition Awards
Graduate Category:
- First place: Swarnendu Biswas - Viser: Providing Serializability in Hardware With Simplified Cache Coherence
- Second place: Ragnar Mogk - Concurrency Control for Multithreaded Reactive Programming
- Third place: Alisa Maas - Automatic Array Property Detection Via Static Analysis
- Honorable mention: Minjia Zhang - SIRe: An Efficient Snapshot Isolation-based Memory Model for Detecting and Tolerating Region Conflicts
Undergraduate Category:
- First place: Andrew Kofink - Contributions of the Under-Appreciated: Gender Bias in an Open-Source Ecology
Invited Speakers

AGERE! Keynote: Concurrent, Distributed Thinking for First-time Programmers in StarLogo Nova
Daniel Wendel

GPCE Keynote: "Technologies to Enable the Next-Generation Stadium and Fan Experience" by Priya Narasimhan
Priya Narasimhan

Changing Engines in Flight: Facebook's Conversion to Hack
Josh Watzman

REBLS Keynote - Self-Adjusting Computation: Practical Abstractions for Dynamic Software
Umut A. Acar

Prospect: Finding and Exploiting Parallelism in a Productivity Language for Scientific Computing
Lindsey Kuper
In this multimedia talk and presentation, Pollak/Price will discuss, in the context of his personal odyssey: the history and current state of blues and blues-based American music; the process of writing and performing songs; criteria fo …
Singing the Blues / What is a Song?

ETX Invited Speaker: The Eclipse Academic Program: Creating the Eclipse University Ecosystem
Brian Barry

DS Invited Keynote Talk II: Lessons and Stories from My Career
Gary T. Leavens

Promoto Keynote: Towards More Natural Programming for Mobile and Touch
Brad A. Myers

DS Invited Keynote Talk III: Papers vs. Artifacts
Philipp Haller

ETX Keynote: High-Level Concurrency Libraries: Challenges for Tool Support
Philipp Haller

PLATEAU Keynote: Computational Thinking for All: Expanding the Boundaries of Computing for Nonprogrammers
Mary Beth Rosson

When CT meets IT: Programming Challenges in the age of ICT Convergence
Peng Wu

DLS Keynote: Declare Your Language
Eelco Visser

ECMAScript 2015: the future of JavaScript is now!
Tom Van Cutsem

What is a compiler? We thought we knew…
Mads Torgersen

Model, Execute, Deploy: Answering the Hard Questions about End-user Programming
Shan Shan Huang

Language-Oriented Business Applications: Helping End Users become Programmers
Markus Völter

SLE/GPCE Keynote: What's the value of an end user? Platforms and Research: The case of Pharo and Moose
Stéphane Ducasse

PLoP Keynote: Keeping A Pattern Language Alive
Mary Lynn Manns

MobileDeli Keynote: Mobile security
Robert Seacord

PROMOTO Keynote: The BBC micro:bit
Jonathan Protzenko

Flow: a static type checker for JavaScript
Avik Chaudhuri

DBPL Keynote: The Gremlin Graph Traversal Machine and Language
Marko Rodriguez

The Future of Programming Languages and Programmers
Lars Bak, Robert DeLine, Nick Feamster, Lindsey Kuper, Crista Lopes, Peng Wu, Steven D. Fraser

DS Invited Keynote Talk I: How to debug the Internet of Things, or, PhD or startup?
Patrick Eugster

Programming as Writing (and vice versa?)
Crista Lopes, Annette Vee

SEPS Invited Tallk: Hybrid Inference of Semantics for Software Adaptation
Karl Palmskog

REBLS Industrial Talk (PREZI): Playful but not a Toy: Views on Reactive Programming from within a Large Software Project
Johannes Emerich

Fighting Spam with Haskell
Simon Marlow

PLoP Keynote: Progress Toward an Engineering Discipline of Software
Mary Shaw

Domain Specific Languages @ Oracle Labs: Current Experiences, Future Hopes
Hassan Chafi

Software Professionalism – Is it “Good Enough?”
Dennis Mancl, Nancy Mead, Mary Shaw, Werner Wild, Steven D. Fraser

Spur: Efficient Support for Live Programming in Dynamic Languages
Eliot Miranda
Tutorials and Demos

Building Secure Software Architectures using Security Patterns
Eduardo Fernandez

Fraglight: Shedding Light on Broken Pointcuts in Evolving Aspect-Oriented Software
Raffi Khatchadourian, Awais Rashid, Hidehiko Masuhara, Watanabe Takuya

Heterogeneous Device Hopping: Bridging the Mobile Cross-Platform Gap Via a Declarative Query Language
Sanchit Chadha, Antuan Byalik, Eli Tilevich

Demonstrating Programming Language Feature Mining Using Boa
Robert Dyer, Hridesh Rajan, Tien N. Nguyen, Hoan Nguyen

Consensus-based Mining of API Preconditions in Big Code
Hoan Nguyen, Robert Dyer, Tien N. Nguyen, Hridesh Rajan

The Role of Ethnography in Programming Language Research: Developer-Centered Design of Languages and Tools
Yvonne Dittrich, Cleidson de Souza, Helen Sharp

GTInspector: A Moldable Domain-Aware Object Inspector
Andrei Chiş, Tudor Gîrba, Oscar Nierstrasz, Aliaksei Syrel

Concurrency in Rust: Data race safety with zero cost abstractions
Nicholas Cameron, Nicholas Matsakis

Making Live Programming Practical by Bridging the Gap Between Trial-and-error Development and Unit Testing
Tomoki Imai, Hidehiko Masuhara, Tomoyuki Aotani

Analyze your Java Source Code with ExtendJ
Jesper Oqvist, Gorel Hedin, Emma Söderberg

The Use of Text Retrieval and Natural Language Processing in Software Engineering
Venera Arnaoudova, Sonia Haiduc, Andrian Marcus, Giuliano Antoniol

Custom Full-Coverage Dynamic Program Analysis for Android
Haiyang Sun, Yudi Zheng, Lubomír Bulej, Stephen Kell, Walter Binder

Mining Programming Language Usage with Boa
Robert Dyer, Hridesh Rajan, Tien N. Nguyen, Hoan Nguyen

Software Analytics: Achievements and Challenges
Tao Xie, Dongmei Zhang

Ultra Lightweight JavaScript Engine for Internet of Things: demonstration
Evgeny Gavrin, Ruben Ayrapetyan, Andrey Shitov, Sung-Jae Lee

Symbolic Techniques for Software Debugging and Repair
Abhik Roychoudhury, Satish Chandra

Evaluating Programming Languages and Tools in Studies with Human Participants
Thomas LaToza